WTG is a community of Christians committed to asking questions about God, life, relationships, the Bible and everything in between. We believe that asking questions and then exploring possible answers can propel us forward in our discipleship. In the process, we want to have a sense of humor while still looking for truth. At WTG, we write from our own unique perspectives which will be helpful for some (awesome people) and not for others (lame people…just kidding...sort of).
We invite you to become part of the WTG community for three reasons:
- Iron sharpens iron. As we wrestle together (not together as in wrestling each other…maybe), we are building each other up and spurring one another on. Opposing viewpoints and tough questions are not attacks on our faith, they are fire to our faith – that is, they create the opportunity to refine our faith and make it more pure, more solid. We recognize that we may not all agree at all times, but we maintain that any differences we might have are secondary to what we have in common: Jesus Christ.
- Questions are welcome. No, really. In addition to being able to share some of your own questions (which may be selected as an article by one of our writers), we want you to comment on the articles posted here and ask questions. Challenge. Find holes. Debate. Without this type of community interaction we will be left unsharpened and our questions unanswered…or at least under-answered. And that just sucks.
- You won’t be judged. Asking questions can be scary…some people are so quick to condemn just because a question is elementary or unorthodox. Not us. We ask community members to engage in dialogue respectfully remembering that truth without humility is not God’s truth. Further, the community here is composed of people from all different walks: some are old, some are young, some have followed Christ for years, some only months or not at all yet, some go to church, some don’t, some know a lot about the Bible, and some don’t even own one. With that in mind, we expect that interaction will remain respectful, loving, and lathered with humility. I’ll bet you never expected to read that phrase.
So join in, have fun, ask questions, and make yourself at home. But please keep your clothes on. Remember, Jesus was never naked.