Christians Have Questions

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Posted By What the God

What's the deal with tongues? In this article, Jesse Medina recounts his experience in an Assemblies of God church with a high value on speaking in tongues. But what about the weirdness? Can we throw tongues out altogether? Read and Interact

Posted By Anonymous on/at 8:01 AM

Written by Jesse Medina

They say that Jesus was fully God and fully man…like some sort of superhero or something. And its not that he switched modes or anything like Bruce Wayne/Batman. It is not even that he was half God and half man like a spiritual Tumnus (but with a cooler beard). Nope, he was fully God and fully man.

They also say that God can’t sin. I like to picture it like Jim Carrey’s Liar, Liar – you know, where if God tried to sin his face would get all crazy and he’d beat the crap out of himself in heaven’s bathroom. It makes sense, I guess…if God could sin, he probably wouldn’t be God-like. He’d just be some dude who can get away with whatever he wanted. Kind of like Tiger Woods except less black and he wouldn’t get caught.

So it begs the question…could Jesus have sinned? I mean, aside from the fact that it would change some things for the crucifixion with him not being spotless anymore, if he had wanted to, could he have sinned? Or would he turn into a bearded Jim Carrey in a tunic and say things like,

“No, Peter, I do not think your butt looks good in that robe.”

“I know you want to believe he is in heaven, but he’s actually burning up right now in hell.”

“Eh…I’ve had better…wine.”

There are some who think that because Jesus was 100% God he couldn’t have sinned. After all, God can’t sin. Sin is disobeying God and he can’t disobey himself, right? Plus, if we believe that God is actually good, we have to believe that he couldn’t do any bad, under any circumstances.

Then again, if he couldn’t have sinned, how could he be tempted? If he couldn’t have sinned, couldn’t he just say to Satan when he was tempting Jesus in the desert, “Dude, it doesn’t even matter, I couldn’t turn that rock into bread even if I wanted!”

But if he could…does that make him not 100% God anymore? Or would that have nullified the point of the cross?

I propose that Jesus had to have been able to sin for three reasons:

  1. He thought he could. That’s why he was tempted. I mean, you cannot be tempted by something you know you couldn’t have even if you wanted.
  2. He wouldn’t be fully man – by that I don’t mean he’d be like Clay Aiken. As men, we sin – or at least we have the ability to. The ladies are probably very surprised by that revelation, but its true. Without the ability to sin (i.e. free will), he would have ceased to be human.
  3. It would be cheating. Like unlimited lives in video games or a deck of cards up his sleeve. You can’t convince everyone that you’re a man only to pull one over on them by really not being very man-like at all. Nobody likes a cheater.

What do you think…could Jesus have sinned if he wanted to?

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